We Believe…

The Bible is the Holy Word of God without error, and is the authority for life or conduct.

There is one God existing in Three Persons: The Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Jesus Christ, Lord, Son of God, Saviour, died on the Cross, arose from the dead, ascended into heaven, and will soon come again to earth the second time.
The person of The Holy Spirit convicts the wor ld of sin, draws sinners to Christ, converts them in Christ, indwells believers.

Mankind was created by God in His own image, fell through Adam, is sinful by nature, and must be regenerated by faith in Christ.

Salvation is the gift of God by grace through faith in Christ, Who is the way, the truth, and the life.

Water baptism by immersion is not a means of salvation but a symbol of the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ, and the believer’s identification with Christ.

Each believer has access to God through Jesus Christ, who is God-Man mediator.
Jesus is the Head of the one true Church, the Body of Christ, made up of all born again believers in Christ. The everlasting conscious blessedness of the saved in Heaven, and the everlasting conscious punishment of the unsaved in hell.

The autonomy of the local church in a spirit of cooperation with other local bodies of like exper ience and expression.

The separation of Church and state, but not the separation of God and government.

We believe that in basic essentials there should be unity, and in nonessentials liberty, while in all things there must be Godly love and charity. With the Bible, the revealed Word of God, as our only rule of faith and practice, we entertain the hope that as a congregation we may uphold the truth and simplicity of the church as founded by Christ, and organized by the apost les according to His directions.